Soviet Past in the Shades of Tbilisi
01 Mar, 2014

An educational research project ''Soviet Past in the Shades of Tbilisi'' was accomplished in 2014, financially supported by Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office. The project aimed to promote wide discussions on how to keep the memory of our modern history and comprehend how and why the space where important historical events took place is so changeable.

As a result of the research, materials were collected and an exhibition was held where photographs depicting 20 important events from Tbilisi's 20th century Soviet history were shown. Thanks to the method of photomontage the guests were able to have a look at the historical scenes within contemporary panoramas. Interesting historical events such as toppling the bell of the Sioni Cathedral, the solemn opening of the Tbilisi Sea, the fire in the Tbilisi Opera House, the funeral of Galaktion Tabidze etc.